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Columbo Star Battled Alzheimers

Peter Falk Dies at 83

Columbo Star Battled Alzheimer's

Wife and Daughter Fought Over His Care

CNN -- Actor Peter Falk who rose to fame on a rumpled raincoat and a shambling manner as the TV detective Lt. Columbo died Thursday evening at his Beverly Hills home. He was 83.

Falk had been suffering from Alzheimer's disease since 2007. His wife, Shera Danese, and his daughter, Catherine, had been fighting over his care. Danese had been granted conservatorship of Falk in 2009, but Catherine had been challenging the decision.

Falk's death has left a lasting legacy in the world of television. His portrayal of Columbo was one of the most iconic in television history. The character was known for his seemingly absent-minded demeanor and his ability to solve crimes through careful observation and interrogation.

Falk's death is a reminder of the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease. The disease affects more than 5 million Americans, and it is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.
